Tomales Emergency Response Network
The small rural villages that populate West Marin have a history of independence and a culture of neighbors helping neighbors in times of need.
This spirit of neighborly goodwill is particularly important in times of emergency and natural disasters.
As an all-volunteer group of Tomales residents, we coordinate with first responders, county agencies, and the other ten or so West Marin “disaster councils” to prepare for possible emergencies and respond when one occurs.
Through a hand-held radio network based in Point Reyes Station, we are able to communicate in real-time across the village and its environs, up and down the coast of West Marin and, through that, across to the county’s Office of Emergency Services when other lines of communication are down.
TERN’s radio network is the ground and social glue of our activities, day to day. And for good reason. In emergencies and the aftermath of disasters, effective communication is critical in determining how well a community is able to respond and recover.
But crucial as they are, there is more to TERN than radios. For information on who we are and what we do, visit the About page.
Members of TERN in front of the new Tomales Fire Station in August, 2020, the first year of the Covid pandemic.