Tomales Resilience: Strategy Session
Tomales Resilience
COMMUNITY Strategy Session
Following the success of the Wildfire Board Game in June, let’s continue the conversation. What can we as community do to be better prepared?
Game designer Tom Maiorana, member of the “Smart & Connected Communities” research team, returns to lead us in a Community Strategy Session. Together, we’ll take what we learned and create a plan to build resilience in the face of wildfire — or whatever comes.
You don’t need to have been at the board game to join the conversation.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Town Hall for the game and contributed to the discussion at the end!
Tomales Resilience: A Wildfire Board Game
Tomales Resilience: A Wildfire Board Game
Resiliencia en Tomales:
Join us Saturday June 8, 10:00 am – noon, when TERN and the Tomales Town Hall host a community board game to help us prepare together for wildfire and other emergencies.
Tomales Resilience: A Wildfire Board Game will be a fun, Monopoly-like board game that we’ll play around tables of about six people each, upstairs at the Town Hall.
This event is free and will be offered in English and Spanish. Coffee and pastries will be available.
Please let us know if you will be attending so we know how many tables to set up. Walk-ins also welcome!
Acompáñenos el sábado 8 de junio, de 10 am hasta el mediodía, cuando TERN y el Ayuntamiento de Tomales organizarán un juego de mesa comunitario para ayudarnos a todos a prepararnos para incendios forestales y otras emergencias.
Resiliencia en Tomales: Un Juego de Mesa sobre Incendios Forestales tipo Monopolio que jugaremos en mesas de unas seis personas cada una, arriba en el Ayuntamiento.
Este evento es gratuito y se ofrecerá tanto en inglés como en español. Habrá café y pasteles disponibles.
Por favor háganos saber si asistirá para que sepamos cuántas mesas instalar. ¡Las personas sin cita previa también serán bienvenidas!

Radio Training
Intro to the TERN handheld radio network
Join us at the Tomales Fire Station for a training session on using GMRS handheld radios and our local handheld radio network for emergency preparedness and response.
This training will be geared toward new members.
It will be led by Brian Ruppenthal, who has guided and inspired the development of our radio network from the start, with long time team members on hand to assist.
A second training is in the works for the new year, for all of us — new and old hands alike — to refresh and improve our emergency radio skills.
The second training will be led by Richard Dillman, Chief Operator / Transmitter Wrangler at Point Reyes radio station KWMR, who designed and guides the larger West Marin emergency radio network of which our TERN network is part.
Everyone is welcome at both trainings!
The Users Guide from the West Marin Disaster Council is available to download as a PDF, below. Hard copies will be available at the training.
Bring your radio, if you have one!
First Aid for Disaster Response (FADR)
Life-saving skills for non-medical volunteers
when emergency professionals aren't there
Pre-registration required
This four-hour, skill-building workshop trains participants to recognize life threats in 15 seconds, protect an airway and stop bleeding.
Although designed for non-medical volunteers, many MDs, RNs and EMTs have attended the workshop and evaluated it as a timely and valuable update in knowledge and skills.
Marin Medical Reserve Corps MDs, RNs and Logistics lead the training and provide individual coaching. Marin County Department of Health & Human Services will provide Continuing Education Credits to MMRC RNs and EMTs who complete the class.
Offered by the County of Marin Department of Public Health, Marin Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Program
There is no fee for this training. Donations are welcome.
The Great ShakeOut
This international earthquake drill is an easy opportunity to practice staying safe during an earthquake. It only takes a minute and you can do it anywhere. Earthquakes can — and will — strike at any time.
How to Participate
On October 20, 2022, at 10:20 am:
DROP to the ground, if possible
Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table
HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops
That’s it!
That’s all that’s required but you might want to let your social media circles know by posting a photo of yourself or your partner, colleagues, or pets as they drop, cover, and hold on. (Ok,, your pets might find their own way to participate, like by licking you in the face and that’s just fine.)
You could also share your photos and stories on the ReadyMarin Facebook and Instagram pages.
To be counted, and for more information, register at

Tomales Open Meeting: Volunteering
Volunteers & Neighborhood Liaisons
Last month, we touched briefly on the topic of Neighborhood Liaisons. This month, we’ll continue that conversation. We’d like to hear from community members, including our radio network, whether and in what ways you’d be interested in stepping up and helping out in the event of an emergency.
We’ll also share other opportunities for volunteering with TERN. Join us and let us know what you think.

The Great Shakeout
On October 15, 2020, millions of people will participate in the largest earthquake drill ever: ShakeOut! You can participate wherever you are. It only takes a few minutes.

Tomales Open Meeting: PSPS
Evacuations, Planned Outages, and Neighborhood Liaisons
Last fall’s 5-day Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) coinciding with the Kincade Fire put enormous pressure on Tomales residents and businesses alike. With another month of high fire season ahead of us, the threat of PSPS is still on the horizon.
But first, following up on our previous Open Meeting, we’ll revisit evacuation procedures and briefly review where things stand with Neighborhood Liaisons.

Tomales Open Meeting: Evacuations
Evacuation Planning & Preparedness
In the unlikely event that wildfire prompts an evacuation of Tomales, are you ready? Do you know what to do?
Video of meeting now available.

Radio Drill
For Current Members of the TERN Radio Network
We will hold a radio training session on TAC 2 on Saturday, Aug. 29, starting at 8:15 AM. The training will center around radio etiquette and also on 'break' as a concept and practice.

Webinar: Evacuation & Warnings: How To Survive a Wildfire
This event is the second in a series of FREE monthly webinars organized by FIRESafe MARIN.
Tomales area residents are encouraged to join the webinar and then come to an Open Town Meeting Saturday, August 29 at 11 AM on Zoom to discuss evacuation planning and preparedness in Tomales.